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59th Annual National Conference 2000

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Report on the 59th Annual National Conference held 8th / 9th April 2000 at the Britannia Hotel, Coventry



National Chairman Viv Squires welcomed delegates to the 59th ANC, and it was then over to the Lord Mayor of Coventry, Cllr Joan Wright, to open the conference. She said her son and his wife had met at 18 Plus and hoped that decisions would be reached without having to adopt Lady Godiva's tactics.

Vice President Linda Street said: "I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, staff, the NEC, Areas, Groups and their members who sent flowers, gifts and cards whilst I was ill." She encouraged delegates to keep recruiting.

Viv expressed her pleasure at the number of first time delegates present and then the tellers were elected. Clive Bryant (spokesman), Steve Lamprell, Terry Drake and John Allen. Steve Browning and Clive Gomme were elected ballot paper counters. Voting strength was established at 80.

The minutes of ANC '99 were carried and then proceedings moved on to matters arising. In response to questions, National Finance Officer Carolyn Edwards said those groups who had qualified for £100 for their five extra members in 1999 would soon receive their money. Viv said the National Think Tank was rewriting the constitution and job descriptions.

The 1999 Federation Report was then discussed. Francis Wallington asked about training weekends. Viv replied that training would be taken out to groups. She then said in reply to a question of more professional publicity material that new ideas were always welcome but much depends on the proposed name change.

Last year's accounts were passed. There were questions on the motorway service station publicity initiative (six sites chosen, feedback not known), how to spend the £47000 in reserves and attracting more money via grants.


With voting strength  slightly down to 79 the first motion for debate on a name change competition for the Federation saw two amendments carried. The first to have the option to keep 18 Plus as a name and the second to continue publicising that name in the meantime. Andy Deeley said "It's not what you advertise but how!" Anthony from Brentwood compared the process to Opal Fruits changing their name to Starburst! Leo Glover suggested that companies spend millions on changing their name and ours had worked for 59 years. Iain Parkes gave a passionate defense of the existing name. Lisa Atkinson suggested there was nothing to lose asking how many people might be put off. Tracey Huxley said a relaunch would attract widespread attention and it was an opportunity to match name and content. The motion was passed.


Voting strength was 77 for the next motion, that associate members pay the same as full members. Sharon Greenhill argued that the motion devalued associates. Wayne Fenton said they get a better deal in terms of attending events. Jeff Carter argued for equalising the membership fee. Rob Broadfield said Walsall would not exist without associates' help. Phil Bettis argued that more events would fail if people were put off joining. The motion was lost.


Viv was then nominated for a second term in office as National Chairman. She said, "I've gained huge amounts of knowledge, I'm still learning and want the opportunity to carry on. I enjoy it, it gives me a buzz and I'm becoming more assertive." Viv stressed the need for better communication, improved attendances at events and for people to bring ideas forward. She added "I'll do my best."



Viv opened day by saying how good it was to see so many people down early but not necessarily bright!

Then it was into the first motion that group committee members can hold the same post for six consecutive terms. Walsall proposed to amend this to four. This was lost. On the motion itself, Tim Moores said this would put areas on the same level as area and national posts (three years) and enable committees to see their work come to fruition. Wayne Ansell argued that the six month option was there if people wished. For the NEC Andy Bond said it would confer greater stability on groups. Martin Berry suggested more members, not long-term committees were required. The motion was lost.

The Facility for National Debate began with a proposal by Adrian Barnard that membership fees are reduced for those members who bring a friend who joins. He said: "Products don't change unless recommended by a friend. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising." Corinna Haywood asked what return life members would get; "satisfaction" replied Adrian. Lisa Atkinson said Havering run a similar scheme.

Whilst the votes for National Chairman were being taken and counted, Viv presented those groups who had increased their memberships by five in 1999 with their £100 cheques. These were: Abingdon, Coventry, Fareham, Halesowen, Havering, Hillingdon, Kings Lynn (absent), Malvern, Northwich, Reading, Romford, Sutton Coldfield, Thurrock, West Kent and Wilmslow (absent).

The Grand National Sweepstake winners were Jarrett Smith and Francis Wallington. Runners-up were Carolyn Edwards and Mark Hewson. Bridget Whittaker and Steve Hobbs were third and Clive Gomme and 'ticket 38' fourth.

Viv was soundly re-elected National Chairman. "No Gwyneth Paltrow this year!" she said, thanking everyone. Voting figures: 71 for, 3 against, abstentions 1, spoilt papers 1.

National debate continued with a discussion on Federation finances. Clive Bryant said the Nicholson House money was "propping up" national and that the money should be distributed among groups. "The Federation's key resources can be located together at grass roots." Carolyn explained that the decline in membership was partially why Nicholson House was sold. Corinna Haywood stressed that the NEC consists of Area Chairmen voted for by members. Anthony Tapsell suggested the money be used for more top class events.

The next debate topic was a controversial one, to terminate membership completely at 36. Tim Moores said “Once members reach 36 they are not suitable for activities and events run at present. 18 year olds wanting to join might think older members are their parents! Let them form another organisation." Sharon Greenhill expressed her disgust, and that associates are important to groups. Andy Bond urged members to throw out this idea completely calling it "iniquitous". Lisa Atkinson said her husband was an associate and if he had to leave she would. Corrina Haywood applauded Tim for speaking his mind; her heart disagreed but her head agreed. A number of other strong opinions were voiced on the subject with a number of references to bald heads. Attitudes were more important than age.

£20 was raised for the Lord Mayors' Appeal by the sweepstake.



The morning session saw one more debate, on provision for members' children, especially those who were single parents. Sharon Greenhill said: "Quite a few people have young children and would be unable to attend events if those children did not join them." Lara Collins said quite a few people did not want to be indoors speaking to under fives; Phil Tall cited language and drinking habits of members and it would be unfair on children to have them at dances. Terry Drake said one group had been seriously split by this issue. James Radcliffe said Plus was an "adult playground" where parents escaped their kids. Jane Tall suggested areas stage special one-off family events. Andy Deeley said. "We need new members, but are we clutching at straws here.”

Afternoon debates started with a brief discussion on the new-look membership card.

James Harvey then suggested creating different 'departments' run by National Officers who would liase with areas who then liase with groups. These departments would even have their own conferences Francis Wallington asked if this was any different as to now. James replied that it would work in terms of PROs, etc. working together on a regular basis. Rob Broadfield suggested a national 'do tank'. Mark Hewson pointed out that most groups' only communication to National was through their Area Chairman. Pete Sharples suggested a communication plan was the answer. Andy 'Rabbit' Deeley, he of many views, said people had the phone, bulk postings, conferences, the OneList; "what more do you need?” Terry Dixon said sub-committees had been tried before.

Viv then addressed the conference. She said: "Do you see 18 Plus as a team. We are all here as the same group of people and need to work positive and build on it. There have been some good ideas debated, don't leave it there, pass it on. National is not opposed to change, they work very hard for the Federation." Viv thanked many people for their help over the year and at the ANC. She concluded: "The future's bright, but not necessarily orange!"

Sandra Bradshaw, HGS, then gave a presentation on the National Forum weekend in October. This will be a special meeting for talk and discussion in Newent.

Gerry Edwards, NEO, then presented plans for the second tier group for members aged 35 or over. This has been running successfully as a pilot scheme since February. It is not a mandatory scheme and all members will pay the associate fee.

On to the trophy presentations. The President's Trophy for best group in the Federation went to Solihull.

The other awards: Cobb Dual Purpose 2-pint Jug Mug - Southern Area;

National Recruitment  - not awarded;

Best New Group - Barkingside;

Development Certificate - Midland Area;

Treasurers' Trophy - Andy Scarrott (Midland Area);

Charities' Trophy  - Barkingside;

Norbury Trophy (magazine) -  POW (North West District);

Gold Trail Trophy  - Havering;

Charles Padgham Training Trophy  - East Anglia Area;

Award Scheme  - Bronze, Michelle Mitchell (Malvern)

Excelence, National Chairman's Merit Awards not awarded.

Special award for Linda Street (Vice-president).

Karen Grey and Linda Street were elected Honorary Vice Presidents and Katie Hawkins was given Honorary Life Membership.

Kingscott Dix were re-appointed accountants.

In her closing address, Linda said: "My husband, David, is a grand old git. Life member no. 12, who chose not to go to the group or other events as other members might not want to see him, though I have to!"

Viv said that the date and venue for the 60th ANC would be announced after the July NEC meeting.

Viv wished everyone a safe journey home, and that was it! Phew!

 Last updated 22 February 2007 by