National Plus          
Plus 80th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday 23 July 2022

Weston Hall Hotel, Weston Lane, Bulkington, Coventry CV12 9RU

All enquiries to

£35 per head


Midday to 11:55pm

Approx. 4:00pm - Light Buffet

Approx. 7:00pm - This IS Your Life Presentation

Disco with DJ Adam Redshaw


Who can attend:
  • Current members
  • Former Members and their partners
  • Plus One for those who are single

Subject to change:
The day will start with an informal gathering over drinks and the hotel has a lunchtime menu available.
There will be a number of displays showing pictures, video clips, posters, badges and other memorabilia.
Around 4.00 pm a light buffet will be served. All areas are providing a cake each based on a former Plus logo.
Around 7.00 pm, an 18 Plus "This is your Life" presentation is to be held with a number of guests invited to speak about their time in Plus.. The evening ends with a traditional Plus disco playing hits of the decades.

The event has its own logo designed to reflect Plus coming of age.
There are still a number of items still in discussion, but we have a really a good start to the event.
Already 60 people have expressed an interest and once the bank account is open then we will start firming up the interest.

James is handling the finances and Ben is the overall organiser. Tracey is providing Admin support with Judi, and I manage the publicity. Adam is providing advice, support on several fronts as well as music for the event. Geoff and Lis Buller are adding additional ideas and support to ensure the event is a success.

The final point is that we need to consider is the future that is unknown.
There has been quite a lot of conversations on Facebook.
What we need to give is everyone is something to focus for the future and to look forward to enjoying.
There is room to move the date should we find the area in lockdown or there is another National Emergency.

I cannot think of anything nicer than going to an event, meet you all after such a long time with sad news.
So let's be positive, do what we can to help out in the current situation and come out of this meeting our Plus friends.

If You think about 9 months ago, no-one had heard of COVID.
Yes 9 months later it won't be gone but I expect that the country will be better prepared than it was 9 months ago.

A big thank you to Ben, Judi, Tracey, James, Adam, Lis and Geoff for giving up their spare time to hold meetings and researching.

Finally, if you have any pictures, videos or memorabilia that you could loan the organisers of the event please email

Stay safe, Steve Rolfe, National Chair

Weston Hall Hotel Website


Videos of site visits  

 Last updated 22 March 2021 by