How To Run A Recruitment Campaign Guide
The best times to run a recruitment campaign are January and September.
January because at the start of the year and towards the end of the holiday
period people are looking for new things to do. The advertising should
be started the week immediately after Christmas since people off work will
have more time to read local newspapers with your adverts in or visit places
where your leaflets and posters are displayed.
The September campaign is aimed at the end of the holiday season when
people are looking for new activities and also at young people who have
just left college or university and are settling into work.
Both campaigns should be intensive and last all month long.
Programme Planning
When organising your programme decide which are your strongest and weakest
group night events. Put the four strongest events during the recruitment
campaign. Remember prospective new members have four weeks to decide on
whether to join or not and any poor group nights could turn them away.
Choose events which encourage team participation and conversation between
Avoid events which rely on familiarity with other members such as 'Who's
Baby' or 'Who's Parent' (identifying members from baby photos or pictures
of their parents) etc.
Ask other groups in your area if they have had any good group night events
recently. See if you can exchange events with them. Similarly if you have
recently had a good event at your group why not make it available to other
groups. remember to provide instructions with it.
Plan some good and varied weekend events, a disco on the first or second
weekend of the campaign would be ideal. Also events such as visits, meals
out, sports, horse riding etc.
If you belong to one of the smaller groups in the federation and have difficulty
in attracting members to weekend events speak to the activities officer
from a neighbouring group and see if you can do joint weekend events.
The publicity campaign should begin before the New Members Evening and
run throughout the duration of the recruitment campaign.
If your group can afford to, put adverts in the local press over a number
of consecutive weeks throughout the campaign instead of spending all your
money on one large advert promoting just one evening.
Find out the areas covered by your local papers. Contact the other groups
within this area and put joint adverts in promoting all groups served by
the paper.
Advertise the actual events rather than just your Plus group is meeting.
This will tell people what Plus does and if you have followed step 2
it will give an indication of the variety of events on offer.
During your advertising campaign write articles for the local papers about
forthcoming events. Remember that the papers are more likely to print your
articles when you are spending money on them.
Ensure that you have leaflets ready for the campaign. If you are unable
to produce leaflets speak to your area PR officer or chairman. They will
probably be able to produce a master copy for you or know someone who can.
If your leaflets are monochrome photocopy them on to distinctively coloured
Make up a standard introduction letter to send to local companies and superstores
together with leaflets. Give a brief description of what Plus is and
ask them to display the leaflets on their notice boards.
Places to put leaflets and posters:
Community Centres
Leisure Centres
Doctors Surgeries
Dentists Surgeries
MOT Testing Stations
Local Transport Ticket Offices
Council and Rent Offices
Sports Centres and Clubs
Newsagents windows
Local Company Notice Boards
Village Halls
Stalls at Car Boot Sales
Your Plus Venue
Group Nights
Make sure that a few of you are at the venue about fifteen minutes before
the publicised start time.
Assign a couple of members, preferably one of each sex, the task of looking
out for new faces and welcoming them.
Get the room set up ready for the evening before other people start to
Organise a display showing all the events on offer. As well as just your
notice board, put out on a table every poster leaflet and booklet you have
publicising Area and National scale events. This will show prospective
new members the range of events on offer.
Throughout the year keep a scrapbook of the groups events. Put in photos,
press clipping tickets from shows, etc. Put this in with your display.
Prepare your announcements in advance. Ensure they are concise and informative.
Ensure the event starts promptly, after a short introduction. Long silences
at the beginning of the evening give a poor image to any new people there.